Issue - meetings

Approval of Cemeteries Strategy

Meeting: 01/02/2024 - Environment and Communities Committee (Item 133)

133 Approval of Cemeteries Strategy pdf icon PDF 356 KB

To consider a report seeking approval of the updated Cemeteries Strategy.

Additional documents:


The committee considered the report on the updated Cemeteries Strategy for Cheshire East.


Cllr Bratherton attended to introduce the report as Chair of the Member Advisory Panel. The committee thanked the Panel for their work.


RESOLVED (unanimously):


That the Environment and Communities Committee:


1.    Note the progress made to date in reviewing and updating the Cemeteries Strategy and Cemetery Regulations, including how the feedback on these documents from the recent public consultation exercise has been used to shape their content


2.    Approve the adoption of the updated Cemeteries Strategy, as contained at Appendix C to this report


3.    Note the intended next steps in relation to production of operational

management plans for each site or group of sites in scope and to authorise the Head of Environmental Services to develop and approve these plans


4.    Note the intention to bring back at a future date for Committee’s approval a Cemeteries Investment Programme


5.    Approve the adoption of the Cemetery Regulations, as contained at Appendix D, to be applied across all cemeteries within scope