9 FlexiLink Demand-responsive Transport Service PDF 288 KB
To consider a report which provides the Committee with an update on the FlexiLink Demand Responsive Service.
Additional documents:
The Committee considered the report which sought approval to launch public consultation on modernisation of the FlexiLink Demand Responsive Transport Service. It was noted that FlexiLink was a demand responsive bus service which operated across the borough and was funded by the Council as part of the supported bus network.
The Committee welcomed the report and praised the service and officers involved. The Committee acknowledged that the existing service had grown to become vital to users, particularly those in rural communities. Members supported the proposal to launch a public consultation on a series of options to improve the service seeking views from existing service users, residents and stakeholders.
It was requested that consideration be given to working with business improvement districts, town councils and business groups to create targeted and specific offerings to drive demand on specific days. It was agreed this would be considered as part of the consultation process.
RESOLVED (unanimously):
That the Highways and Transport Committee
1. Note the review of the Council’s FlexiLink bus service.
2. Approve the proposal to launch a public consultation to seek the views of service users, residents and stakeholders.
3. Approve the Consultation & Engagement Plan.
4. Delegate approval of the consultation material for publication to the Director of Infrastructure and Highways who will make all necessary arrangements to undertake public consultation.