10 Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy PDF 307 KB
To consider a report on the Council’s updated Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy.
Additional documents:
The Committee considered the report which provided an update on work to develop a robust evidence based and strategic approach to the provision of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging points across the Borough. The report sought approval of the Council’s updated EV Charging Strategy.
Cllr Hilliard requested that consideration was given to the uptake of active travel and micro mobility across the borough and not just the uptake of electric cars and vans as this was important for driving forward town centre travel and vitality. Officers confirmed that there would be engagement with infrastructure providers to identify potential options.
RESOLVED (unanimously):
That the Highways and Transport Committee
1. Approve the EV Strategy (Appendix 1) which will become part of the Council’s adopted transport policy framework.
2. Approve development of a funding bid to the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Fund in line with the EV Strategy and authorise the Director of Infrastructure and Highways to submit the bid, accept the funding grant when offered.
3. Delegate authority to the Director of Infrastructure and Highways to spend the money when received and make all necessary arrangements to:
a. Launch procurement activities for a strategic EV infrastructure investment and delivery partner/s for programmes such as the On-street Residential Charge points Scheme (ORCS) and the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Fund (LEVI).
b. Award contract/s to invest in, deliver, operate, and maintain publicly available charge points.
c. Call off the contract/s for future phases of charge point delivery.
d. Implement the measures contained within the strategy through joint working with a range of partners.
4. Note that Committee will receive reports as part of the forward work programme to provide updates on the delivery of these programmes.