8 Parking Review - MTFS Initiatives 2023-24 PDF 159 KB
To consider a report which provides an update on progress towards delivery of the Parking Review included in the adopted Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS).
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The Committee considered the report which provided an update on progress towards delivery of the Parking Review included in the adopted Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS). The Committee noted that Cheshire East Council had not increased parking charges since 2018, where tariffs were increased by 10pence and that there was significant difference in the location of charged and free car parking across the Borough as a result of legacy arrangements inherited by the Council.
There was agreement amongst most Committee Members that harmonisation of tariffs was needed to ensure a fairer system across Cheshire East. Committee Members were pleased to learn that there had been clear consideration given to mitigations where charges could be introduced to existing free car parks and that the proposed demand responsive pilot scheme could result in reduced charging at certain times of the day. The Committee requested that the feedback from public consultation was shared and that the final proposals due to be considered by the Committee in January 2024 reflect the feedback received during the consultation process. It was also requested that consideration was given to introducing a period of free parking across all towns.
It was noted that the costs of running the parking service were considerably higher compared to neighbouring authorities. It was requested that a detailed breakdown of the service running costs were provided to the Committee at a future meeting.
RESOLVED (by majority):
That the Highways and Transport Committee