96 Household Support Fund 4 & 5 (HSF4/HSF5) Grant Delivery PDF 301 KB
To consider the report on the delivery of the Household Support Fund 4 & 5.
The committee received the report which provided an update on the Household Support Fund 4/5 grant awarded to Cheshire East and sought delegated approval to deliver the fund in line with the proposals set out in the report.
It was suggested that it would be helpful for Members to have details of where to signpost residents to and for the webpage where the public facing form had been to also signpost residents to where they can go for support. Officers noted these suggestions and advised that a clear communications strategy would be shared with the committee.
RESOLVED (unanimously):
That the Children and Families Committee:
1. Notes Cheshire East’s HSF4/5 grant allocation of £4.4m in 2023/24.
2. Agrees the proposed allocation of the grant, eligible cohorts and payment arrangements set out in this paper.
3. Agrees the closure of the public facing enquiry form and return to the professional/practitioner only enquiry form. This is a result of an excessive volume of claims received and validity of claim challenges.
4. Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Childrens services to incur expenditure in line with the HSF4/5 grant conditions.