40 Local Planning Authority Review and Service PDF 227 KB
To consider an update on the progress made in connection with the Planning Services Deep Dive Review and to set out some of the challenges, opportunities and transformational changes needed to the service.
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Jayne Traverse, Executive Director of Place introduced the report. Jane Gowing, Interim Planning Service Review Lead was in attendance and had assisted in the production of the report.
The Committee was advised that a team of officers had been brought together in January 2022 and had been tasked with reviewing the planning backlog and the systems supporting the planning service. The review was not an inspection, it was a thorough improvement focussed review of the Planning service including best practice and outside services such as Legal, Democratic Services and Statutory Consultees.
The Committee was advised the review had gathered information including published Committee meetings, face to face meetings, over 200 comments from staff including ideas for improvement. Applicants, agents and Member’s complaints had been reviewed including the Member Advisory Panel from this Committee.
The Committee was advised that prior to the pandemic, the service was fragile, busy and dealt with complex work. Cheshire East Council is the eighth busiest planning service in the country and processed the most applications in the Northwest.
There were seven themes to the report recommendations:
1) Capacity, Workload and Recruitment;
2) Culture and Leadership, encouraging innovation;
3) Processes and Use of Technology;
4) Customer Experience;
5) Policy and Governance;
6) Members; and
7) Managing the Transformation.
The Executive Director of Place advised that one of the major issues in relation to the backlog of applications was due to the aging ICT system and that a more modern system was in the process of being implemented.
Reassurances were given to the Committee that:
In summary, the Executive Director of Place noted that there was excellent work within the planning service and this included enthusiastic staff who were committed to Cheshire East Council. Next steps were to implement the Modernisation Plan, it was envisaged this would evolve over time and have an officer accountable for each of the actions. The Modernisation Plan would include additional areas to look at in more detail including Section 106, ICT Systems and Enforcement. The Transformation Board would have oversight and drive through the outlined recommendations and this Committee would receive updates on progress..
The Chair welcomed the comprehensive report and how it objectively reviewed the service acknowledging the areas for attention and wide demands placed on the service. The Chair noted that whilst some actions could happen now, some actions could take a couple ... view the full minutes text for item 40