Issue - meetings

Consultation Feedback Basford East

Meeting: 23/09/2022 - Children and Families Committee (Item 35)

35 School Organisation: Update on the proposal for a primary school, Basford East, Shavington, following consultation pdf icon PDF 157 KB

To receive an update on the proposal for a new primary school, Basford East, and agree the progression of the prescribed free school process.

Additional documents:


The committee received the report which provided an update to the previous committee paper, considered by the Children and Families Committee on 10 January 2022, on the establishment of a new primary school in Basford, Shavington.


RESOLVED (unanimously):


That the Children and Families Committee:


1.    That the committee notes, the summary of the feedback received, including the proposed mitigations, following the 4-week informal representation period which is a required stage in the DfE free school  presumption process to allow the opening of a new primary school at Basford East, Shavington.

2.    That the committee agrees to the progression of the prescribed free school process in the generation and submission of the draft specification for the new school to the DfE.