Issue - meetings

All Age Carers Strategy

Meeting: 27/03/2023 - Adults and Health Committee (Item 65)

65 Progress Report for All Age Carers Strategy 2021 - 2025 pdf icon PDF 691 KB

To receive an update on progress in delivering the Cheshire East All Age Carers Strategy since presenting the strategy to committee in March 2021.

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The Committee received a report which provided an update on progress in delivering the Cheshire East All Age Carers Strategy. The new all age carers service had gone live on the 1 January 2023 and the strategy had focused on six main priorities which would be taken forward over the next five years.

The update evidenced how the carer pathways had been implemented through strong partnership working with heath, social care, commissioning, voluntary, community and faith sector organisations, and embracing carers across all age groups and disability groups.


The challenges faced included educating colleges so that young carers was part of the curriculum and ensuring that getting information to those carers at the right time was a priority.


Following questions and comments from members, officers reported that:


-       there had been a budget proposal to close centres, but there would be a consultation period prior to a decision being made and people would continue to receive the care and support required to meet their assessed needs.

-       work was underway with Making Space and education colleagues to raise the profile around carers and an all-round communications plan to reach those unregistered carers.

Members welcomed the report and thanked Jill Stenton for her presentation.



That the Adults and Health Committee note the progress in delivering the All-Age Carers Strategy 2021-2025.