Issue - meetings

School Organisation: Academisation of Schools: Oakfield Lodge School (Pupil Referral Unit)

Meeting: 23/05/2022 - Children and Families Committee (Item 8)

8 School Organisation: Academisation of Schools: Oakfield Lodge School (Pupil Referral Unit) pdf icon PDF 409 KB

To consider the intended academy conversion of Oakfield Lodge School.


Additional documents:


Gemma Bailey, Head Teacher of Oakfield Lodge School, attended to speak in support of this item.


The committee received the report which set out the arrangements in place to support the intended academy conversion of Oakfield Lodge School to become part of the Manor Hall Academy Trust.


RESOLVED (unanimously):


That the Children and Families Committee:


1.    Supports that Oakfield Lodge School, Warmingham Road, Crewe, Cheshire, CW1 4PP will convert to academy status on or after 1 September 2022 as per the Department for Education (DfE) Academy Order dated 16 September 2021 (see appendix 2).

2.    Supports that Oakfield Lodge School joins the Manor Hall Academy Trust which currently consists of 12 schools.

3.    Authorises the completion of a Commercial Transfer Agreement to the Manor Hall Academy Trust and the management committee of Oakfield Lodge School relating to the transfer of all staff under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006, and assets to the trust.

4.    Authorises the Executive Director of Children’s Services in consultation with Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer to take all steps necessary to agree and execute the Commercial Transfer Agreement.

5.    Authorises the grant and completion of all transactions in relation to land as are necessary in order to facilitate the conversion, including (but not limited to) the grant and completion of a lease to the Manor Hall Academy Trust for 125 years substantially in the form of the model lease produced by DfE at a peppercorn rent.

6.    Authorises the Executive Director of Place and Director of Finance and Customer Services to take the steps necessary to agree the required transactions in relation to land to enable the transfer, in line with the agreed heads of terms.

7.    Notes that the Chief Finance Officer has authority to take all steps necessary to agree, transfer and adjust relevant budgets and allocate balances in accordance with Department for Education Guidance.



The meeting adjourned for a short break at 15.50.


Councillor Addison left the meeting at this point and did not return.