15 Appointments to Sub-Committees, Working Groups, Panels, Boards and Joint Committees PDF 97 KB
To appoint members to the Corporate Parenting Committee, the Local Authority School Governor Nominations Sub-committee and to nominate a member to the Health and Wellbeing Board.
Additional documents:
The committee received the report which sought approval to appoint members to the Corporate Parenting Committee, the Local Authority School Governor Nominations Sub-committee and to nominate a member to the Health and Wellbeing Board.
RESOLVED (unanimously):
That the Children and Families Committee:
1. Appoints members to the Corporate Parenting Committee as follows: Con:4; Lab:4; Ind:3; Lib Dem:1; R. Ind:0; NGI:0
2. Appoints the Local Authority School Governor Appointments Sub-Committee with a membership of 5; the proportionalities being as follows: Con:2;
Lab:2; Ind:1; Lib Dem:0; R. Ind:0; NGI:0
3. Nominates one member to the Cheshire East Health and Wellbeing Board
4. Agrees that the names of Members appointed to them be submitted to the Head of Democratic Services and Governance.