To consider if Cheshire East want to create local authority multi-academy trusts in response to the White Paper ‘Opportunity for all: strong schools with great teachers for your child’
Additional documents:
The committee received the report which set out the key aspects of the recent White Paper ‘Opportunity for All: Strong schools with great teachers for your child’.
RESOLVED (by majority):
That the Children and Families Committee:
1. Notes the new policies in the white paper and in particular the implications for councils.
2. Provides support to explore the option of local authority-initiated trusts as outlined in the white paper through discussions with the Regional Schools Commissioner and our maintained schools to shape the possible delivery model.
3. Agrees to submitting a ‘Registration of Interest’ to establish a new trust(s) which needs to be submitted by 31 July 2022. Proposals developed on the delivery model of local authority-initiated trusts will be brought back to a future committee for approval.