Issue - meetings

Alignment of 2022-23 Budgets

Meeting: 20/07/2022 - Council (Item 24)

24 Recommendation from Children and Families Committee: Approval of Supplementary Estimates pdf icon PDF 261 KB

To consider the recommendation from the Children and Families Committee.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the recommendations of the Children and Families Committee, which had met on 23 May 2022, in relation to the Approval of Supplementary Estimates of over £1m.


RESOLVED: That Council


approve the supplementary estimates over £1,000,000 set out in Appendix B, Table E.

Meeting: 23/05/2022 - Children and Families Committee (Item 12)

12 Children and Families Budgets 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 203 KB

To receive the alignment of the 2022-23 budgets for Children and Families and to note or approve virements and supplementary estimates as required.

Additional documents:


The committee received the report which determined the allocation of the approved budgets for 2022/23 to the Children and Families Committee.


A concern was raised that some schools appeared to be accessing the Educational Psychologist traded service while others were not and that the message needed to be publicised consistently. It was agreed that a written response would be provided.


RESOLVED (by majority):


That the Children and Families Committee:


1.    Note the decision of the Finance Sub-Committee to allocate the approved capital and revenue budgets, related policy proposals and earmarked reserves to the Children and Families Committee, as set out in Appendix A.

2.    Note the supplementary estimates already approved as set out in Appendix B, Tables A and B.

3.    Approve the supplementary estimates set out in Appendix B, Table C and Table D.

4.    Recommend to Council to approve the supplementary estimates set out in Appendix B, Table E.

5.    Note the financial reporting timetable as set out in Appendix C.