69 Certification of Housing Benefit Subsidy Claim and Teachers Pensions Return 2021/22 PDF 142 KB
To consider the outcome of the External Auditor’s certification process for the 2021/22.
The committee received a report from the Director of Finance and Customer Service that provided details of the outcome of the External Auditor’s certification process for 2021/22 Housing Benefits Subsidy Claim which had concluded that no errors or exceptions had been identified.
It was noted that that audit work on the 2021/22 Teachers Pension End of Year Certificate had not yet been completed and details of this work would be provided to the committee a future meeting.
The Audit and Governance Committee noted that as a result of the audit testing of the 2021/22 Housing Benefit Subsidy claim, no errors or exemptions were found and no recommendations for improvements were made to the DWP.