25 External Audit 2021/22 Progress Report PDF 563 KB
To receive a presentation from the External Auditors on the Audit Strategy Memorandum (ASM) for external audit 2021/22.
Mark Dalton and Muhammed Uzair Khan from External Auditors Mazars, attended the meeting via Microsoft Teams and presented the report to the Committee.
Section 5 of the report, the approach to Value for Money work, was highlighted to the Committee, and it was noted there was no significant risk or weakness identified. The National Audit Office had extended the deadline for submission to 3-months after the opinion was submitted.
Section 6 of the report, Planned Fees for Audit and Other Services, noted the planned fees were in line with the planned year.
Section 3 of report outlined the Audit Scope, Approach and Timeline, Mazars planned to present the External Audit in November.
The Committee noted that in 2020-21 the council implemented a new financial system, and that separately there had been objections from members of the public that required further clarification and correspondence, this led to incurred additional fees from Mazars.
That the External Audit 2021/22 Progress Report be received and noted.