44 Committee Work Programme PDF 72 KB
To consider the Work Programme and determine
any required amendments.
Additional documents:
The Committee considered the Work Programme for 2021/22.
Since the last review by the Committee, items had been added to the Work Programme for the meeting on 17 January 2022. In addition, this meeting would now receive the Annual Audit Letter and Certification Report, Annual Statement of Accounts and Annual Governance Statement. It was reported that the Code of Conduct report would not be going to the January 2022 meeting as further work was required to be undertaken by the Working Group.
It was requested by the Committee that work should commence at pace on the two unallocated items – Highways Funding and Partnership Governance and the scooping reports on the work be brought to the Committee in due course.
1 the Work Programme be noted and be brought back to the Committee throughout the year for further development and approval.
2 work commence at pace on scoping reports for the items on Highways Funding, and Partnership Governance.