Issue - meetings

2021/22 Financial Year Review

Meeting: 10/01/2022 - Children and Families Committee (Item 49)

49 2021/22 Financial Year Review pdf icon PDF 121 KB

To receive an update on the financial position for 2021/22. To note or approve virements and supplementary estimates as required.

Additional documents:


The committee received the report which provided a review of the 2021/22 financial year.


A concern was raised about establishing an Educational Psychologist traded service due to issues with the capacity to carry out statutory work and potential inequality of opportunity for children depending on the financial position of their school. Assurances were given that there was no intention to take capacity away from statutory work and that this area remained the priority.


A concern was raised about the increase in costs of external placements for cared for children, with a view put forward that the savings were not realistic.


A further concern was raised about relying on reserves which were believed to be low. The committee was advised that mitigations were in place as well as ongoing monitoring by officers with the aim of reaching a balanced position.


A question was raised regarding the accuracy of the forecast £0.4m overspend in the Place directorate and a written response would be provided to clarify this.


It was suggested that, for future reports, when referencing numbers of cared for children it would be useful to include the percentage of the population in Cheshire East that this accounts for, as well as the national position for context.


RESOLVED (unanimously):


That the Children and Families Committee:


1.1.       Notes the report of the Finance Sub-Committee, specifically the recommendations of that committee:


1.1.1.   Finance Sub-Committee recommend Service Committees to: note the financial update and forecast outturn relevant to their terms of

reference. note that officers will seek to improve outcomes and the financial

outturn across all committees to mitigate the overall forecast overspend

of the council.


1.2.       Notes Appendix 4 and the following sections specific to this committee:


• Changes to Revenue budget 2021/22

• Policy Proposals Update

• Corporate Grants Register

• Debt Management

• Capital Strategy

• Reserve Strategy


1.3. Approves the additional specific grant supplementary revenue estimate

over £500,000 and up to £1,000,000 in Appendix 4, Section 3 Corporate Grants Register, Table 2.


Councillor Addison left the meeting and did not return.