To consider the above application.
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report, update report and presentation on this application.
Ward Councillor Steve Carter, Macclesfield Town Councillor Sarah Bennett-Wake, Neighbouring Ward Councillor David Edwardes, objector Mr Martin Raymond and agent Mr Richard Sims attended the meeting and spoke in respect of the application.
Following debate, the application was moved and seconded for refusal. The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:
The proposed use of residential roads by HGVs and other commercial vehicles accessing the site would cause harm to residential amenity in terms of noise and disruption, and adversely impact on the quality of life for those residents. This would be contrary to policy SE12 of the CELPS, CRWLP policy 23, MBLP policies DC3 and DC13 and the NPPF.
(This decision was contrary to the officer’s recommendation of approval.)
(The meeting was adjourned for a short break.)
To consider the above application.
Consideration was given to the above application.
(Councillor S Carter, the Ward Councillor and Richard Sims, the agent for the applicant attended the meeting and spoke in respect of the application).
That the application be deferred for the following reasons:-
1.Confirmation, consultation and consideration of the applicant’s amended proposal to reduce the number of vehicle movements;
2.Clarification on the surrounding land use and associated HGV vehicle movements onto Withyfold Drive;
3.Consideration of traffic management plan options
(The meeting was adjourned for a short break in order to sanitise the microphone equipment).