Issue - meetings

Medium Term Financial Strategy / Corporate Services Budget

Meeting: 06/07/2021 - Corporate Policy Committee (Item 14)

14 Medium Term Financial Strategy - Corporate Services Budgets 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 207 KB

To note the decision of the Finance Sub-Committee to allocate the approved capital and revenue budgets, related policy proposals and earmarked reserves to the Corporate Policy Committee.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report on the MTFS Corporate Services budgets for 2021/22.


The Vice-Chair as Chair of the Finance Sub-Committee reported that the Sub-Committee at its meeting on the 1st July 2021 had approved the allocation of the approved capital and revenue budgets, related policy proposals and earmarked reserves to each of the service committees. The financial alignment of budgets to each Committee was set out in Table 1 of the report with further details on the Corporate Policy Committee budgets at Appendix A.


The Committee also considered an outline of the budget setting process, timeline and consultation arrangements, which would provide each service committee with a review of the mid-year position and the opportunity to comment on future proposals relating to their areas. In addition, sessions would be arranged for all members in advance of the wider consultation on the MTFS.


Appendix B to the report set out details of supplementary estimates and virements.


Members asked if they would receive full details of Covid-related expenditure at a future meeting. The Chair suggested that this was something that the Finance Sub-Committee might wish to consider.




That the Committee


1.    notes the decision of the Finance Sub-Committee to allocate the approved capital and revenue budgets, related policy proposals and earmarked reserves to the Corporate Policy Committee, as set out in Appendix A of the report;


2.    notes the MTFS timelines, as set out in paragraphs 5.9 – 5.12 of the report; and


3.    notes the supplementary estimates and virements as set out in Appendix B.