To consider and approve school capital/ organisation plans to meet demand for school places.
Consideration was given to a report which sought approval to proceed with undertaking the free school presumption process to identify and obtain agreement for a new school sponsor. It was noted that a period of informal engagement would be undertaken with local ward Members and wider stakeholders at the beginning of the process to help inform the specification of the school. A further period of statutory consultation would be undertaken following the appointment of a sponsor, and another report would be presented to the committee following this.
That approval be given:
1. To proceed with the free school presumption process which will include undertaking a consultation, in accordance with the Department for Education guidelines, with the local community, local schools, local councillors, town council and local MP. This is not the formal statutory consultation which sponsors are required to undertake.
2. To proceed with the transfer of the proposed school site into the Council ownership, as detailed in the Section 106 agreement, together with any other agreements associated with or ancillary to the transfer.
3. To progress with the process of attracting potential sponsors to run the new school.