Issue - meetings

Project Plan

Meeting: 11/04/2013 - Community Governance Review Sub-Committee (Item 86)

86 Project Plan pdf icon PDF 79 KB

Members are asked to endorse the revised project plan for the Macclesfield Community Governance Review.

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Members considered a revised project plan for the Macclesfield Community Governance Review.


Members noted that in the event of one or more parish councils being the outcome of the review, any elections were unlikely to be held before April 2015. In the light of this, Members considered the merits of extending the review period to allow more time for advance publicity, public consultation and feedback, and to avoid holding public meetings and ballots during school holidays.


In considering the matter, Members had regard to DCLG guidance that community governance reviews should take no longer than 12 months. In addition, it was considered unwise to extend the review unduly as this would not allow Members to accommodate any unforeseen slippage in the review process. Therefore, Members agreed that whilst the project plan should be adjusted to allow more time for public consultation and to avoid school holidays, and should reflect the fact that any parish elections would be held in April 2015, the review process itself should take no longer than 12 months.




That the project plan be further amended in the light of Members’ comments and resubmitted at the next meeting.