Decision details

Implementation of All-age Direct Payment Policy

Decision Maker: Adults and Health Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Committee considered a report which sought approval to endorse and implement the ‘all age’ Direct Payment Policy. The Policy aligns the approach for providing and managing direct payments for adults and children, to meet their care and support needs.


Members welcomed the diversity with which people can access services as it was agreed that one size does not fit all. Members sought assurance in respect of whether the policy would prevent people from making top-ups to their direct payment and what additional safeguards would be considered to avoid the vulnerable being financially abused.


In response officers stated that in respect of top-ups, families and individuals could top up their care if there were other services they would like to have. In respect of protecting the vulnerable, whilst it was not possible to eradicate all risk, it was believed that the use of pre-paid cards would help manage risk more easily than a bank account would as it was possible, if required, to see in real time what people were spending their money on.


Pre-paid cards are already being used in some areas including helping people to manage their finances directly. There was a contract already in place to support those people who were in receipt of direct payments with becoming an employer and the responsibilities that came with that, but officers would take in to account the concerns raised by members.


Members agreed that a detailed communications package was required for service users in respect of how the direct payment card would be employed and that it be drafted in such a way that all client groups understood.


In response to a question asked in relation to the low turnout at the face-to-face consultation events and whether further development was required in this area, officers reported that everyone who used direct payment had been written to, so all those it was relevant to had been targeted. The policy had been shaped by the outline of the consultation responses.


In response to a question raised in relation to the transitional arrangements from children to adults, specifically those children who want to take on responsibility for their own payment’s officers reported that as part of the transitional arrangements an advocate would be provided to help support with the transition.


RESOLVED: (by Majority)


That the Adults and Health Committee approve and instruct officers to implement the ‘all age’ Direct Payment Policy in Cheshire East.


Councillor A Kolker left the meeting.


Publication date: 28/03/2024

Date of decision: 25/03/2024

Decided at meeting: 25/03/2024 - Adults and Health Committee

Effective from: 09/04/2024

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