Decision details

Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Commission Report

Decision Maker: Economy and Growth Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To consider the recommendations of the report on sustainable and inclusive growth.



The Committee considered the report on the Notice of Motion relating to the Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Commission Report.


The Notice of Motion submitted to the meeting of Council on 14 December 2022, proposed by Councillor Q Abel and seconded by Councillor M Houston, proposed that


1          Cheshire East Council notes and acknowledges the report and recommendations of the Cheshire and Warrington Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Commission.


2          That the Council’s Economy and Growth Committee be asked to consider the report and to determine the Council’s response to the recommendations.


The report of the Cheshire and Warrington Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Commission set out for each identified theme the vision and key priorities for them and provided a summary and analysis of the Early-Stage Delivery Plan 2022-2024.


RESOLVED:  That the Committee


1          endorses the final report of the Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Commission ‘Towards a Sustainable and Inclusive Cheshire and Warrington’, noting the priorities identified to be taken forward as and when suitable funding and opportunities arise, and resources allow.


2          endorse Town Council’s being requested to consider the Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Commission’s findings and recommendations, with a view to supporting any actions which they can help to implement.

Publication date: 27/01/2023

Date of decision: 17/01/2023

Decided at meeting: 17/01/2023 - Economy and Growth Committee

Accompanying Documents: