Decision Maker: Adults and Health Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
1 To respond to the Notice Of Motion raised at
Full Council on 16th October 2024 which raised concerns regarding
the impact of the Government’s decision to restrict the
Winter Fuel Payment to only those pensioners in receipt of Pension
Credit or similar benefit, with immediate effect this
The Committee considered a response to the Notice Of Motion which was raised at Full Council on 16th October 2024 regarding changes to the Winter Fuel Payment for 2024/2025. At the meeting of the body to which the motion has been referred for consideration, the proposer of the motion if present shall be invited to speak first, followed by the seconder. The matter will then be opened up to wider discussion. At the Council meeting on the 16 October 2024 the notice of motion was proposed by Councillor A Kolker and Seconded by Councillor A Gage.
Members stated that keeping warm was essential for physical and mental wellbeing and maintaining good health, and that Cheshire East Council had a duty of care to residents for their health, and to the NHS for reducing the number of patients presenting at hospitals with cold-related illnesses, where the cost of treatment would likely be greater than the cost of heating. Members questioned what the impact on the NHS had been as a result of this decision.
Members noted the action which Cheshire East Council had taken to advertise the grants and opportunities open to pensioners who were in need of support, and who were on the cusp of requiring support, and hoped that this would continue.
It was noted that ahead of the report coming to committee, the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council had already written to parliament explaining the Council’s concerns and to request their support in raising them in Westminster, in support of Cheshire East pensioners.
A request for named vote was proposed by Councillor Adams and seconded by Councillor Moss with the following results:
Councillors Sue Adams, Janet Clowes, Stewart Gardiner, Andrew Kolker, Rob Moreton, Arthur Moran, Hannah Moss and Liz Wardlaw.
Councillors John Place, Jill Rhodes, Judy Snowball, Dawn Clark and Ben Wye.
The motion was declared carried with 8 votes for and 5 votes against.
RESOLVED: (by majority)
That the Adults and Health Committee:
1. Ask group leaders, to write jointly to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, expressing this Council’s concerns regarding the impact of this decision on Cheshire East residents and asking that the Winter Fuel Allowance is reinstated with immediate effect.
2. Note the Council’s local awareness campaign, to support all those eligible, to apply for Pension Credit, before 21st December 2024 so they are able to receive the Winter Fuel Allowance this Winter.
3. Ask the Leader and Deputy Leader of Council write to all Members of Parliament representing Cheshire East constituencies, explaining this Council’s concerns and to request their support in raising them in Westminster, on behalf of Cheshire East pensioners.
Report author: Dan Coyne
Publication date: 22/01/2025
Date of decision: 20/01/2025
Decided at meeting: 20/01/2025 - Adults and Health Committee
Effective from: 30/01/2025
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