Decision details

Smoking Cessation Incentive Scheme - Update

Decision Maker: Adults and Health Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To provide an update on a pilot smoking incentive scheme for pregnant women and household members


The Committee considered a report which updated members on the pilot smoking cessation incentive scheme for pregnant women, from Dr Matt Atkinson, Consultant in Public Health and Nik Darwin, Senior Commissioning Manager.


Members noted the low uptake of the scheme to date and questioned whether the scheme was being adequately advertised.


The Committee were updated that the cost to the scheme was on a “per person” basis, so even though the uptake to date had been low, it was not leading to a budgetary pressure, and that officers were due to carry out a full evaluation of the scheme which would result in a further report being brough back to committee later in the year.


Members stated that although the uptake was low, the scheme was a success if it improved the health of anybody, and acknowledged the challenges individuals face when trying to stop smoking.


RESOLVED: (By majority)


That the Adults and Health Committee:


1.    Approve continuation of the incentive scheme for household members.

Report author: Nik Darwin

Publication date: 22/01/2025

Date of decision: 20/01/2025

Decided at meeting: 20/01/2025 - Adults and Health Committee

Effective from: 30/01/2025

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