Decision Maker: Adults and Health Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The purpose of this report is to enable the
Adults and Health Committee to have an overview of the interim
arrangements in place following the closure of the extra care
catering services at Oakmere and Willowmere extra care schemes and
to provide insight into future options for the service
The Committee considered a report which updated the Adults and Health Committee on the actions taken in respect of the Extra Care catering provision, from Mark Lobban, Interim Director of Commissioning.
Members thanked the public speaker for attending and speaking on behalf of the Oakmere Resident’s Association.
Members were updated that the review into the catering provision would be concluded by September 2025, and in the meantime communal spaces would not be closed, the 24/7 staff would continue to operate in the extra care housing schemes, and the Communities Team would continue working to secure alternative provisions in consultation with the residents.
Members acknowledged that a further review was required to be carried out and raised concerns surrounding the current interim lack of provision for hot meals at weekends, as reported by the public speaker, that residents were having to reheat meals which were being delivered from external premises, and that this was not a long-term solution. Members also raised concerns as to whether the existing kitchen equipment would be retained, and the impact on both physical and mental health of a nutritious hot meal in a communal environment, to those who were vulnerable in the community.
It was noted that the cost of providing an alternative provision at Oakmere and Willowmere would be in the region of £60,000/year, and the Council’s subsidy would only cease if a long-term solution was found. Any interim service would provide the same service and volume of meals as previously received. Cheshire East Council would continue to ensure that meals were provided, but how it was done would be at the discretion of the Council.
It was noted that a further review of the catering provision, and investigation into the decisions made, would come back to the Adults and Health Committee in September 2025 for a final decision.
An amendment to recommendation 2 was proposed by Councillor Gardiner and seconded by Councillor Clowes:
2. Agree the interim arrangements that have been put in place, subject to a review of the weekend and Bank Holiday arrangements, whilst a full review of the EC catering provision is carried out.
RESOLVED: (Unanimously)
That the Adults and Health Committee:
1. Acknowledge the actions taken since the decision to close the school meals service.
2. Agree the interim arrangements that have been put in place, subject to a review of the weekend and Bank Holiday arrangements, whilst a full review of the EC catering provision is carried out.
Report author: Dan Coyne
Publication date: 22/01/2025
Date of decision: 20/01/2025
Decided at meeting: 20/01/2025 - Adults and Health Committee
Effective from: 30/01/2025
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