Decision Maker: Children and Families Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
All Committees were being asked to provide
feedback in relation to their financial responsibilities as
identified within the Constitution and linked to the budget
alignment approved by the Finance Sub-Committee in March 2024.
Responses to the consultation would be reported to the Corporate
Policy Committee to support that Committee in making
recommendations to Council on changes to the current financial
The Committee received a report which sought feedback on the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) for 2025/26 – 2028/29 for Corporate Policy Committee to consider on the 6 February 2025 ahead of the final approval of the 2025/26 budget at full Council on 26 February 2025.
The Committee provided scrutiny and comments in relation to
- Whether a reduction in pension cost contributions was realistic given that the local government pension scheme was re- evaluated every April and typically should keep line with the Consumer Price index (CPI).
- Why the 3% levy on traded services was being reversed.
- Concerns in respect of whether the funding staffing establishment model was sustainable as although investment would be increased next year, this would then be reduced over the following two years.
- Concerns around the proposed savings in service quality, particularly in the accommodation support offer for 16-25 young people.
- How did Cheshire East compare with other local authorities in terms of its spend per capita on children’s services.
- Welcomed the efforts being made in terms of recruitment and wrap around support to retain staff.
- Assurance sought around the tracking and visits for asylum seeking children post covid.
In response to a question raised in respect of the Youth Justice service contributions nearly doubling, officers stated that there was a split between the Youth Justice Service and safeguarding and that more details on the split would be provided in a written response.
RESOLVED (By Majority)
The Children and Families Committee
(a) Recommend to the Corporate Policy Committee, for their meeting on 6 February 2025, all proposals within Appendix A of the report, as related to the Committee’s responsibilities, for inclusion on the Council’s budget for 2025/26.
(b) Identify any further budget change proposals, as related to the Committee’s responsibilities, that could assist Corporate Policy Committee in presenting an overall balanced budget to Council for 2025/26.
(c) Note the capital growth items listed in Appendix B and the revenue implications noted in paragraph 23 of the report.
(d) Note the contents of Appendix C of the report – Provisional Local Government Settlement 2025/26 (Finance Sub Committee).
(e) Note the contents of Appendix D of the report – Council Tax benchmarking and scenarios (Finance Sub Committee) and consider what the impact of any requests for a change of Council Tax policy would be.
Report author: Tracy Baldwin
Publication date: 16/01/2025
Date of decision: 13/01/2025
Decided at meeting: 13/01/2025 - Children and Families Committee
Effective from: 24/01/2025
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