Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The committee considered the report which set out the proposals and timescales to review the senior management structure following the recommendations from the LGA’s Decision Making Accountability Review (DMA) and the Corporate Peer Challenge. The committee noted that the proposed structure would ensure there was sufficient capacity and skills to address the recommendations within the Peer Challenge and meet the requirements to achieve financial stability, deliver the Children’s Services Improvement Plan and the Council’s Transformation Programme.
The committee welcomed the proposed new structure and agreed it was clear where specific responsibilities would rest, especially for statutory officers. The committee queried the costs of an employment partner and noted that whilst there would be costs associated with the recruitment process, it was significantly better value for the council to recruit permanent staff than to employ interim staff. Assurance was provided that the financial costs associated with Phase 1 would not jeopardise the transformation plan and 20234-25 MTFS.
The committee noted that due to the decision-making framework and formal consultation period, it was unlikely that permanent staff would not join the organisation earlier than March 2025. It was confirmed that a report would be considered by Council in October 2024 and the recruitment process, both internally and externally, would commence in November 2024.
RESOLVED (unanimously):
That the Corporate Policy Committee
1. Approve the proposed senior management structure produced by the Chief Executive subject to consultation and agree that the Chief Executive commences formal consultation with affected employees and recognised trade unions on the proposed changes to the senior management restructure.
2. Note the overall implementation timeline for a new senior management structure.
3. Note that, following formal consultation, the outcome of the senior management structure review will be considered by the Corporate Policy Committee and presented to full Council for approval, including approval of any new positions with salaries in excess of £100,000 per annum and statutory officers, prior to implementation.
4. Note the interim and temporary senior management arrangements across the organisation outlined in paragraphs 45 - 48 and that these will continue until implementation of and appointment to the new structure including any additional interim capacity to support the Chief Executive within the current financial envelope.
Publication date: 23/08/2024
Date of decision: 21/08/2024
Decided at meeting: 21/08/2024 - Corporate Policy Committee
Accompanying Documents: