Decision details

Cheshire & Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership Ltd - Appointments to Committees

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Sub-Committee considered a report on appointments to the new Cheshire and Warrington Joint Committee and related bodies.


Officers advised that the primary role of the Finance Sub-Committee would be to have oversight of the investment decisions by Enterprise Cheshire and Warrington.




That the Sub-Committee


1.   (by majority) agrees to appoint the Leader to be the Owner Member of the Joint Committee (Part One);


2.   (by majority) agrees to appoint the Deputy Leader to be a member of the Joint Committee (Part Two) and to be the substitute for the Owner Member;


3.   (by majority) agrees to appoint the Chair of the Finance Sub-Committee, or in his absence the Chair of the Environment and Communities Committee, to be the substitute member for the Joint Committee (Part Two);


4.   notes that the Corporate Policy Committee will make the appointment to the director of Alderley Park Holdings Ltd;


5.   agrees to appoint the Executive Director Place to the Cheshire & Warrington Development Fund (General Partner) Ltd;


6.   (by majority) agrees to recommend to the Joint Committee that the Joint Committee fulfil the function of the Investment Committee; and


7.   (unanimously) agrees that members of the Finance Sub-Committee should receive a briefing as soon as possible on all investments involving Cheshire East Council, including those of the LEP partnership, with a report back to the Sub-Committee’s meeting in June 2024 to determine how the Sub-Committee’s shareholder function is best carried out.


Publication date: 28/03/2024

Date of decision: 22/03/2024

Decided at meeting: 22/03/2024 - Finance Sub-Committee

Effective from: 09/04/2024

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