Decision Maker: Adults and Health Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To approve cost of care reports for publication on the Council's website and submission to DHSC. This is a mandatory requirement of receiving Market Sustainability Funding. Reports must be published by 1st February 2023.
The Committee considered a report which set out the work that Cheshire East Council had undertaken to meet the Government’s policy requirements on its position on market sustainability for providers of registered residential and nursing care for people 65+ and for registered domiciliary care for people over 18. Permission was sought to publish the outcome of that work in a report on the local cost of care, in line with Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) requirements.
A question was raised in respect of the wording of recommendation 3.1 of the report. It was clarified by the Executive Director of Adults, Health, and Integration that recommendation 3.1 should read as
“Approve the publication of the cost of care reports attached at Appendices A and B of the report on the Council’s website and submitted to DHSC”.
The Committee thanked the team for their work in undertaking the exercise.
RESOLVED (Unanimously)
That the Adults and Health Committee:-
1. Approved the publication of the cost of care reports attached at Appendices A and B of the report on the Council’s website and submission to DHSC.
2. Noted that a further report would be brought to Adults and Health Committee in March 2023 for approval of the final Market Sustainability Plan which would be informed by the cost of care findings and take account of the approved budget.
3. Noted the level of risk associated with the funding shortfall between the local Cost of Care and the confirmed and estimated level of Market Sustainability Fund allocations and the mitigating factors as set out in 8.6 of the report.
4. Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Adults, Health and Integration to make any changes to the report resulting from DHSC feedback prior to its publication on the Council’s website.
Publication date: 25/01/2023
Date of decision: 23/01/2023
Decided at meeting: 23/01/2023 - Adults and Health Committee
Accompanying Documents: