Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To receive an update from representatives of East Cheshire NHS Trust following a six-week engagement period with the public on the subject of how clinical teams are being supported in working together to develop a joint clinical strategy that sets out new, single clinical pathways, and innovative solutions to best meet the growing care needs of local populations.
Katherine Sheerin, Director of Transformation and Partnerships at East Cheshire NHS Trust attended the meeting and addressed the Committee since last updating at the previous meeting on the 21 March. During that meeting the Committee were advised that a statement of intent had been circulated to all partners that outlined the continued intention to work collaboratively for acute services with NHS partners, and support clinical teams to continue working together to develop a joint clinical strategy that would set out new, single clinical pathways, as well as innovative solutions to best meet the growing care needs of local populations.
This update followed the six-week engagement exercise, with the results available for review.
The Committee were advised there had been 273 responses, this was expected for this kind of exercise. Unique web-page views were in the thousands. Of the 273 responses, these were reflective of patients, employees, carers, and other public sector bodies, 83% were female, however the respondents were skewed towards affluent areas.
Critical care was given positive ratings, however given the low number of responders it was acknowledged that it was difficult to determine a service-users view.
Waiting times, communications with patients and difficulties with parking had negative ratings.
Maternity services and bringing back of Intrapartum care was also mentioned within the responses.
The Committee were advised the results will be in public domain from the 30 June, NHS assurance had been given and the case for change had been approved, and would be published in full alongside a summary version.
The next steps would be to submit a pre-consultation business case to NHS England.
The Committee were invited to ask questions or make comments, it noted that there had been very low responses from voluntary groups and this cohort supported many NHS functions. The Director of Transformation and Partnerships noted that communication had taken place with existing networks but this was an area to address with Phase 2.
The Committee highlighted the importance of dynamic consultations to help restore confidence with patients and those negatively affected through reduction of services during the pandemic.
The Committee questioned mitigation towards long waiting lists, and were advised that the Trust was working across Cheshire and Merseyside to determine a collective approach rather than trying to impact as individual organisations.
Some success had been achieved using international nursing; using clinical support workers in innovative ways; the induction of more medical students into the Trust, for longer periods of time; and rotations within the Trust and into primary care.
That the Director of Transformation and Partnerships be thanked for their attendance and presentation to the Committee; and that the presentation be received and noted.
Report author: Brian Reed
Publication date: 25/07/2022
Date of decision: 14/06/2022
Decided at meeting: 14/06/2022 - Scrutiny Committee
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