Decision details

Domestic Adaptations and Retrofit Procurement

Decision Maker: Economy and Growth Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Approval to procure a framework agreement for level access showers and also Domestic Energy Efficiency Retrofit works, if successful in securing funding via the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.



The Committee considered the report which sought approval to undertake procurement exercises for the  procurement of Level Access Showers and for the procurement of Domestic Retrofit works.


Cabinet in July 2020 had approved the procurement of a new framework for Level Access Showers and the Council had subsequently entered into a Framework Agreement with a supplier who was assessed as providing the most economically advantageous tender.  However, market conditions had had a detrimental effect on the delivery of the framework by the appointed supplier and, following legal advice, the Housing Service terminated call-off orders under the Framework Agreement.   There was now a need to carry out a new procurement exercise to appoint a replacement supplier.


The Council, working with Cheshire West and Chester Council and Warrington Borough Council, had submitted a bid for funding from the Sustainable Warmth Home Upgrade Grant funding and had been successful for the off-gas element of the funding and awarded £3,288,960.  Cheshire East council would act as the accountable body for the funding on behalf of the sub-region and lead on procurement which would be secured through a suitable external framework by appointing from a panel of suppliers procured in accordance with the Public Contract Regulations 2015.


The Committee unanimously RESOLVED:   


1             that the procurement of a Framework Agreement for Level Access Showers be approved and authority be delegated to the Director of Growth and Enterprise to award and enter into a Framework agreement with a single, successful, supplier who meets the procurement criteria and the requirements of the Framework.


2          that the procurement of a Framework Agreement for Domestic Energy Efficiency Retrofit works be approved and authority be delegated to the Director of Growth and Enterprise to award and enter into a Framework agreement with the successful suppliers.

Publication date: 04/12/2021

Date of decision: 30/11/2021

Decided at meeting: 30/11/2021 - Economy and Growth Committee

Effective from: 11/12/2021

Accompanying Documents: