
Decisions published

23/01/2025 - Local Transport Plan - Vision and Objectives ref: 3154    Recommendations Approved

The report presents the work undertaken so far in refreshing the Local Transport Plan for Cheshire East. The committee are asked to note the findings of the updated evidence base, comment on the draft vision and objectives, and approve the proposal to launch a consultation on the draft vision and objectives, which will set the strategic framework for transport in the coming years.

Decision Maker: Highways and Transport Committee

Made at meeting: 23/01/2025 - Highways and Transport Committee

Decision published: 27/01/2025

Effective from: 04/02/2025


Councillor A Burton arrived during consideration of this item.


The Committee considered a report which provided an update on the progress of a new LTP (Local Transport Plan) for Cheshire East, which would provide a policy framework for transport across the borough and guide investment in the local transport network.


The report outlined the work undertaken to date and sought approval to undertake public consultation on the draft LTP vision and objectives included in Appendix 1 of the report.


The report also sought to establish a Member Reference Group to support the preparation of the LTP.


The Committee were informed that work over 2024 had focused on defining problems and objectives, including production of a draft evidence base and draft vision and objectives for the next LTP.


An 8-week consultation process in respect of priorities and strategic objectives would commence following the February half-term with the outcomes coming back to committee. Officers were mindful of engaging residents and stakeholders to inform key strategic choices but emphasised that it would not be a ‘one size fits all’ approach and the plan had to be capable of striking a balance between job creation and homes and the environmental impact.

Officers acknowledged that it had been a struggle to engage with the younger demographic previously so all options for consultation would be considered such as engaging with the Youth Council, colleges and creating a video for social media.


It was acknowledged that there would be challenges in encouraging those people who did not currently use public transport to do so, and officers welcomed engagement with local town and parish councils and community led groups to use their knowledge and experience to help develop the LTP.


The Committee welcomed the proposal to establish a Member Reference Group to support the preparation of the Local Transport Plan. A friendly amendment was supported by the Committee that the proposed Member Reference Group membership (Appendix 5) be expanded to include Councillor R Chadwick as a member of the Highways and Transport Committee from a rural ward, and the Chair of the Children and Families Committee due to the connection with home to school transport.


Members welcomed the draft plan and thanked the team for the hard work that had gone into the plan so far.


RESOLVED: (Unanimously)


That the Highways and Transport Committee


1. Note the updated Evidence Base for the next Local Transport Plan.

2. Approve the draft vision, aims and objectives set out at Appendix 1 as a basis for public consultation.


3. Approve the proposed approach to public consultation in line with the Consultation and Engagement Plan at Appendix 3 and Communications Plan at Appendix 4.


4. Delegate authority to the Director of Transport and Infrastructure to finalise the consultation material and undertake the public consultation.


5. Approve that a Member Reference Group is established to support the preparation of the Local Transport Plan with the proposed membership and Terms of Reference as set out in Appendix 5 subject to the membership being extended to include Councillor R Chadwick as a member of the Highways and Transport Committee from a rural ward, and the Chair of the Children and Families Committee due to the connection with home to school transport.


Lead officer: Richard Hibbert, Angela Mann, Jenny Marston, Melanie Morley

23/01/2025 - PROW - Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Section 257 - Proposed diversion of public footpath no 12 (Part) in the Parish of Nether Alderley ref: 3158    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Highways and Transport Committee

Made at meeting: 23/01/2025 - Highways and Transport Committee

Decision published: 27/01/2025

Effective from: 04/02/2025


The Committee considered a report which outlined the investigation to divert part of Public Footpath No. 12 in the Parish of Nether Alderley following receipt of an application from a local resident in relation to a planning application.


The report included a discussion of the consultations carried out in respect to the proposals and the legal tests to be considered for a diversion order to be made under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


During consideration of this item, in the interests of openness and transparency Councillor C Browne declared that the applicant and landowner were known to him.


The Committee considered the application and evidence as set out within the report and agreed that an order be made under section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 on the grounds that Cheshire East Council was satisfied that it was necessary to do so to enable development to be carried out.


RESOLVED: (Unanimously)


That the Highways and Transport Committee:


1. Decide that a public path diversion order be made under section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for part of Public Footpath No. 12 in the Parish of Nether Alderley as shown on Plan No. TCPA/080 on the grounds that Cheshire East Borough Council is satisfied that it is necessary to do so to enable development to be carried out.


2. Decide that public notice of the making of the Order be given and in the event of there being no objections within the period specified, and in the event that planning consent has been granted, the Order be confirmed in the exercise of the powers conferred on the Council by the said Act.


3. Note that in the event of objections being received, Cheshire East Borough Council be responsible for the conduct of any hearing or Public Inquiry.


23/01/2025 - PROW: Proposed Public Path Creation Agreement in the Parish of Wardle ref: 3157    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Highways and Transport Committee

Made at meeting: 23/01/2025 - Highways and Transport Committee

Decision published: 27/01/2025

Effective from: 04/02/2025


The Committee considered a report which sought approval to enter into a Public Path Creation Agreement with the owner of land in order to add a Public Footpath to the Definitive Map and Statement in respect of the Parish of Wardle.


In response to a question asked in relation to whether mitigations would be put in place for the landowner whose land carried the public right of way officers reported that available mitigations were limited, but use of waymarking would be offered along with signage to encourage users to adhere to the public right of way.


The Committee considered the application and evidence as set out within the officer report.


RESOLVED: (Unanimously)


That the Highways and Transport Committee


1. Decide that a Public Path Creation Agreement should be entered into under Section 25 of the Highways Act 1980 to add a Public Footpath to the Definitive Map and Statement in the Parish of Wardle, as illustrated between points A and B on Plan No. HA/156.


2. Decide that public notice of the making of the Agreement should be given.



23/01/2025 - Highways Service Contract Improvement Action Plan ref: 3155    Recommendations Approved

The Council commissioned an independent external peer review in 2024 to inform its decision regarding the potential exercise of the break clause in its Highway Service Contract. On 19 July 2024, this committee received the report on the peer review and approved that the break clause was not exercised.
The committee delegated responsibility to the Director of Transportation and Infrastructure develop and implement a plan to respond to the findings of the peer review. This report details the Improvement Action Plan.

Decision Maker: Highways and Transport Committee

Made at meeting: 23/01/2025 - Highways and Transport Committee

Decision published: 27/01/2025

Effective from: 04/02/2025


The Committee considered a report which outlined the progress to date following The Highway Service Contract Peer Review which was undertaken by Future Highway Research Group (FHRG) in Spring 2024.


A comprehensive, independent, and external assessment of the services in the scope of the Council’s Highway Service Contract was undertaken. It also compared how the Council’s services were rated against other Highway Authorities comprising FHRG’s 40 members.


The Council intended to commission FHRG to undertake a further review in two to three years’ time to measure progress.


Following the review an action plan had been developed which addressed the recommendations and the actions being taken.


Whilst officers acknowledged that it was a positive that FHRG had placed the Cheshire East Council 14th out of the 40 members they wanted to do better. To improve on this there would be more work conducted in respect of external benchmarking, better engagement with members to help support them with effectively communicating with residents and a review of current services and adapting those to look at the wider resilience and effectiveness of the service provided.


Officers welcomed the suggestion of using artificial intelligence within the service and informed members that they were using it in some instances, but they were mindful that they needed to build a platform ready for supporting the broader use of the technology across other areas of the service.


Members welcomed the report and action plan and complimented the officers on providing good value for money and good collaborative working.


RESOLVED: (Unanimously)


That the Highways and Transport Committee


1. Note the progress made with the implementation of the Improvement Action Plan to date.


2. Approve that the Director of Transport and Infrastructure continues to progress implementation of the Improvement Action Plan in Appendix 1.


3. Notes that progress with the plan will be monitored and managed through:


a. the Place Directorate Management Team; and


b. in conjunction with Cheshire East Highways through the Transportation and Infrastructure Partnership Board, with any significant issues reported to the committee.


4. Approve that the Director of Transport and Infrastructure commissions a further peer review before April 2028 to assess progress.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Domenic De Bechi, Matthew Davenhill, Paul Davies, Angela Mann, Melanie Morley, Emma Wallace

23/01/2025 - Medium Term Financial Strategy Consultation 2025/26 - 2028/29 Provisional Settlement Update (Highways & Transport Committee) ref: 3153    Recommendations Approved

All Committees were being asked to provide feedback in relation to their financial responsibilities as identified within the Constitution and linked to the budget alignment approved by the Finance Sub-Committee in March 2024. Responses to the consultation would be reported to the Corporate Policy Committee to support that Committee in making recommendations to Council on changes to the current financial strategy.

Decision Maker: Highways and Transport Committee

Made at meeting: 23/01/2025 - Highways and Transport Committee

Decision published: 27/01/2025

Effective from: 04/02/2025


The Committee considered a report which sought feedback on the Medium-Term Financial Strategy for 2025/26 – 2028/29 for the Corporate Policy Committee to consider at its meeting on 6 February 2025 ahead of the final approval of the 2025/26 budget at full Council on 26 February 2025.


Following a number of suggestions which had been raised previously in respect of selling advertising space in car parks, FlexiLink vehicles, parking tickets and household waste bins and a suggestion to revisit these, officers reported that a work stream had been identified through the transformation programme which included exploring advertising opportunities across different asset types. This would be followed by the launch of soft market testing phase to gauge interest and feasibility, and the project would be routed the transformation work stream.


Officers informed members that as ANSA was being brought in-house this would provide an opportunity to look at commercial elements such as advertising on roundabouts and exploring a different delivery model.


RESOLVED: (By Majority)


a) Recommend to the Corporate Policy Committee, for their meeting on 6 February 2025, all proposals within Appendix A, as related to the Committee’s responsibilities, for inclusion on the Council’s budget for 2025/26.


(b) Identify any further budget change proposals, as related to the Committee’s responsibilities, that could assist Corporate Policy Committee in presenting an overall balanced budget to Council for 2025/26.


(c) Note the capital growth items listed in Appendix B and the revenue implications noted in paragraph 23. These will be reviewed by the Capital Review Programme Board in January before a final list is brought to Corporate Policy committee in February.


(d) Note the contents of Appendix C – Provisional Local Government Settlement 2025/26 (Finance Sub Committee).


(e) Note the contents of Appendix D – Council Tax benchmarking and scenarios (Finance Sub Committee) and consider what the impact of any requests for a change of Council Tax policy would be



Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Tracy Baldwin, Honor Field

23/01/2025 - Middlewich Eastern Bypass - Authority to Enter into Construction Contract ref: 3156    Recommendations Approved

Middlewich Eastern Bypass - Authority to Enter into Construction Contract

Decision Maker: Highways and Transport Committee

Made at meeting: 23/01/2025 - Highways and Transport Committee

Decision published: 27/01/2025

Effective from: 04/02/2025


The Committee considered a report which sought approval for officers to enter into a contract with Balfour Beatty to build the Middlewich Eastern Bypass (MEB) but subject to receiving a positive decision by the Department of Transport (DfT) to award the Council grant funding of £46.78 million towards the cost of the scheme.


The possible impacts of any delay to the DfT grant decision on the potential start date and estimated costs of the scheme were highlighted to members along with the consequences of not receiving a positive decision.


Officers reported that they were doing all they could behind the scenes and publicly to make it clear to government the importance of a positive decision by February to allow for works to start on site immediately which would take advantage of summer working and environmental constraints.


In response to a question raised in respect of whether officers were confident that lessons had been learnt from the HS2 project and that they had carried out the maximum amount of preparation for this project officers reported that the revised business case had been shaped and improved following feedback from government and support from civil servants from the DfT. The business case had been submitted and was now just waiting for a decision.


RESOLVED: (by Majority)


That the Highways and Transport Committee


1. Note the previous financial and delivery decisions and delegations in previous reports.


2. Subject to DfT grant approval and that the construction target cost and other scheme cost estimates are in line with the budget and funding arrangements in the 2024/2025 Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and subsequent approved virements, delegate authority to the Director of Transport and Infrastructure to enter into Stage 2 of the construction contract under the SCAPE framework.


3. Delegate authority to the Director of Transport and Infrastructure, in consultation with the S151 Officer, to make all necessary arrangements prior to the DfT decision (for example including, but not limited to, expenditure on preparing the target cost and value engineering design work) to enable the scheme to start on site in Summer 2025. (The Contract Preparation Works)


4. Delegate authority to the Director of Transport and Infrastructure to bring forward appropriate elements of construction (The Early Site Works) into Stage 1 of the existing Scape Contract (This work to be contractually awarded only after a positive decision on the DfT grant award)


5. Note the possible impacts of a delay to a DfT Decision on the start date and estimated cost of the scheme.


6. If any delays or any other factors cause estimated scheme costs to rise above the current approved capital budget, authorise the Director of Transport and Infrastructure to:


a. request the Finance Sub Committee and Council make any necessary adjustments to the MTFS and


b. make any minor scope changes to the scheme which may arise as a result of a value engineering exercise to ensure the scheme is affordable.


7. Authorise the Director of Governance, Compliance and Monitoring Officer to take all the remaining steps necessary to obtain all rights required for any land necessary for the construction of the scheme.


The Committee adjourned for a short break. Councillors D Brown and G Marshall left the meeting and did not return.


Lead officer: Chris Hindle, Angela Mann, Melanie Morley

24/01/2025 - Officer Delegated Decision: Astbury and Moreton (Modification) Decision on Plan Proposals ref: 3152    Recommendations Approved

To revoke the Astbury and Moreton Neighbourhood Plan that was made on 17/08/17 and make the Astbury and Moreton Neighbourhood Plan (modification), confirming its status as part of the Development Plan for Cheshire East.

Decision Maker: Head of Planning

Decision published: 24/01/2025

Effective from: 01/02/2025

23/01/2025 - Officer Delegated Decision: Increase Contract Macclesfield Indoor Market Refurbishment ref: 3151    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Head of Economic Development

Decision published: 23/01/2025

Effective from: 31/01/2025


1               To increase the construction phase of the Macclesfield Market Refurbishment project under the contract with F Parkinson Ltd by £100K from £1,344, 930.08 up to a maximum contract value of £1,444,930.08.

2        To draw down the additional £100K UKSPF funding from the budget approved for this project for those contracted construction works

Wards affected: Macclesfield Central;

09/01/2025 - Minutes of Previous Meeting ref: 3135    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Finance Sub-Committee

Made at meeting: 09/01/2025 - Finance Sub-Committee

Decision published: 22/01/2025

Effective from: 09/01/2025




That the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 7 November 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


20/01/2025 - Third Financial Review 24/25 ref: 3145    For Determination

Decision Maker: Adults and Health Committee

Made at meeting: 20/01/2025 - Adults and Health Committee

Decision published: 22/01/2025

Effective from: 30/01/2025


The Committee considered a report and briefing on the current forecast outturn for the financial year 2024/25 based on income, expenditure and known commitments, from Nicola Wood-Hill, Lead Finance Business Partner.


Members thanked officers for their work to date on the budget and noted that work had been done to reduce spend in certain areas of the Adults and Health budget, but demand for services had seen an increase and subsequent additional costs.


The Committee were updated that the budget forecast had been made on predictions on the number of people who would likely be in receipt of care for the coming year. However, later, work had been undertaken to slow the number of people coming through the door, and the spend on individual care, which meant that the forecasted overspend was smaller than originally anticipated. The committee were updated that the last quarter of the year was traditionally the most difficult, due to winter pressures and demand on hospitals, but officers were analysing the data on a weekly basis, and work had been done to slow the growth in activity, reduce admissions, and transfers to long term care where possible.


It was noted that client contributions were in excess of the anticipated budget, which had also fed into the Council’s MTFS.


RESOLVED: (Unanimously)


That the Adults and Health Committee:


1.    Review the factors leading to a forecast adverse Net Revenue financial pressure of £18.3m against a revised budget of £390.5m (4.7%). To scrutinise the contents of Annex 1, Section 2 and review progress on the delivery of the MTFS approved budget policy change items, the RAG ratings and latest forecasts, and to understand the actions to be taken to address any adverse variances from the approved budget.


2.    Review the in-year forecast capital spending of £144.7m against an approved MTFS budget of £215.8m, due to slippage that has been re-profiled into future years.


3.    Note the available reserves position as per Annex 1, Section 5.


4.    Note the Capital Virements above £500,000 up to and including £5,000,000 as per Annex 1, Section 4, Table 4 will be approved in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Tracy Baldwin, Nicola Charlesworth

20/01/2025 - Medium Term Financial Strategy Consultation 2025/26 - 2028/29 Provisional Settlement Update (Adults & Health Committee) ref: 3147    Recommendations Approved

All Committees were being asked to provide feedback in relation to their financial responsibilities as identified within the Constitution and linked to the budget alignment approved by the Finance Sub-Committee in March 2024. Responses to the consultation would be reported to the Corporate Policy Committee to support that Committee in making recommendations to Council on changes to the current financial strategy.

Decision Maker: Adults and Health Committee

Made at meeting: 20/01/2025 - Adults and Health Committee

Decision published: 22/01/2025

Effective from: 30/01/2025


The Committee considered a report which detailed the proposals within the budget consultation relating to the Committee’s responsibilities, from Nicola Wood-Hill, Lead Finance Business Partner.


The Committee were updated that the figures within the report assumed a 4.99% Council Tax increase, with 2% ringfenced for Adults Social Care. There was currently no capital programmes detailed for Adult Social Care as the Service would not know the capital requirement until the Transformation Plan was further developed.


Members were updated that Cheshire East Council was responding to several national surveys which were asking for responses from local councils on the pressures which rises to the National Living Wage and National Insurance contributions were causing. Members were updated that if this led to an increase on commissioned care costs, this would be dealt with from a central contingency.


Members were informed that any grants awarded to Cheshire East Council from the government for historically not raising Council Tax were detailed in the appendices.


Members noted that decisions made by other Service Committees within the Council were at risk of undermining those decisions taken by this committee and asked that this was looked at by officers. Members queried whether there had been any increased in Council Tax Support payments, and whether there had been an impact on Adults Social Care as a result of Council Tax rises.


A named vote was proposed by Councillor Clowes and seconded by Councillor Moss with the following results:




Councillors Arthur Moran, John Place, Jill Rhodes, Judy Snowball, Dawn Clark and Ben Wye.




Councillors Sue Adams, Janet Clowes, Stewart Gardiner, Andrew Kolker and Liz Wardlaw.




Councillors Rob Moreton and Hannah Moss.


The motion was declared carried with 6 votes for, 5 votes against, and 2 not voting.


RESOLVED: (by majority)


That the Adults and Health Committee:


1.    Recommend to the Corporate Policy Committee, for their meeting on 6 February 2025, all proposals within Appendix A, as related to the Committee’s responsibilities, for inclusion on the Council’s budget for 2025/26.


2.    Identify any further budget change proposals, as related to the Committee’s responsibilities, that could assist Corporate Policy Committee in presenting an overall balanced budget to Council for 2025/26.


3.    Note the capital growth items listed in Appendix B and the revenue implications noted in paragraph 23. These will be reviewed by the Capital Review Programme Board in January before a final list is brought to Corporate Policy committee in February.


4.    Note the contents of Appendix C – Provisional Local Government Settlement 2025/26 (Finance Sub Committee).


5.      Note the contents of Appendix D – Council Tax benchmarking and scenarios (Finance Sub Committee) and consider what the impact of any requests for a change of Council Tax policy would be.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Tracy Baldwin, Honor Field

20/01/2025 - Future Options for Extra Care Catering ref: 3146    Recommendations Approved

The purpose of this report is to enable the Adults and Health Committee to have an overview of the interim arrangements in place following the closure of the extra care catering services at Oakmere and Willowmere extra care schemes and to provide insight into future options for the service

Decision Maker: Adults and Health Committee

Made at meeting: 20/01/2025 - Adults and Health Committee

Decision published: 22/01/2025

Effective from: 30/01/2025


The Committee considered a report which updated the Adults and Health Committee on the actions taken in respect of the Extra Care catering provision, from Mark Lobban, Interim Director of Commissioning.


Members thanked the public speaker for attending and speaking on behalf of the Oakmere Resident’s Association.


Members were updated that the review into the catering provision would be concluded by September 2025, and in the meantime communal spaces would not be closed, the 24/7 staff would continue to operate in the extra care housing schemes, and the Communities Team would continue working to secure alternative provisions in consultation with the residents.


Members acknowledged that a further review was required to be carried out and raised concerns surrounding the current interim lack of provision for hot meals at weekends, as reported by the public speaker, that residents were having to reheat meals which were being delivered from external premises, and that this was not a long-term solution. Members also raised concerns as to whether the existing kitchen equipment would be retained, and the impact on both physical and mental health of a nutritious hot meal in a communal environment, to those who were vulnerable in the community.  


It was noted that the cost of providing an alternative provision at Oakmere and Willowmere would be in the region of £60,000/year, and the Council’s subsidy would only cease if a long-term solution was found. Any interim service would provide the same service and volume of meals as previously received. Cheshire East Council would continue to ensure that meals were provided, but how it was done would be at the discretion of the Council.


It was noted that a further review of the catering provision, and investigation into the decisions made, would come back to the Adults and Health Committee in September 2025 for a final decision.


An amendment to recommendation 2 was proposed by Councillor Gardiner and seconded by Councillor Clowes:


2.         Agree the interim arrangements that have been put in place, subject to a review of the weekend and Bank Holiday arrangements, whilst a full review of the EC catering provision is carried out.


RESOLVED: (Unanimously)


That the Adults and Health Committee:


1.    Acknowledge the actions taken since the decision to close the school meals service.


2.      Agree the interim arrangements that have been put in place, subject to a review of the weekend and Bank Holiday arrangements, whilst a full review of the EC catering provision is carried out.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Dan Coyne

20/01/2025 - Response to Notice of Motion – Winter Fuel Allowance ref: 3150    Recommendations Approved

1 To respond to the Notice Of Motion raised at Full Council on 16th October 2024 which raised concerns regarding the impact of the Government’s decision to restrict the Winter Fuel Payment to only those pensioners in receipt of Pension Credit or similar benefit, with immediate effect this winter.

Decision Maker: Adults and Health Committee

Made at meeting: 20/01/2025 - Adults and Health Committee

Decision published: 22/01/2025

Effective from: 30/01/2025


The Committee considered a response to the Notice Of Motion which was raised at Full Council on 16th October 2024 regarding changes to the Winter Fuel Payment for 2024/2025. At the meeting of the body to which the motion has been referred for consideration, the proposer of the motion if present shall be invited to speak first, followed by the seconder. The matter will then be opened up to wider discussion. At the Council meeting on the 16 October 2024 the notice of motion was proposed by Councillor A Kolker and Seconded by Councillor A Gage.


Members stated that keeping warm was essential for physical and mental wellbeing and maintaining good health, and that Cheshire East Council had a duty of care to residents for their health, and to the NHS for reducing the number of patients presenting at hospitals with cold-related illnesses, where the cost of treatment would likely be greater than the cost of heating. Members questioned what the impact on the NHS had been as a result of this decision.


Members noted the action which Cheshire East Council had taken to advertise the grants and opportunities open to pensioners who were in need of support, and who were on the cusp of requiring support, and hoped that this would continue.


It was noted that ahead of the report coming to committee, the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council had already written to parliament explaining the Council’s concerns and to request their support in raising them in Westminster, in support of Cheshire East pensioners.


A request for named vote was proposed by Councillor Adams and seconded by Councillor Moss with the following results:




Councillors Sue Adams, Janet Clowes, Stewart Gardiner, Andrew Kolker, Rob Moreton, Arthur Moran, Hannah Moss and Liz Wardlaw.




Councillors John Place, Jill Rhodes, Judy Snowball, Dawn Clark and Ben Wye.


The motion was declared carried with 8 votes for and 5 votes against.


RESOLVED: (by majority)


That the Adults and Health Committee:


1.    Ask group leaders, to write jointly to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, expressing this Council’s concerns regarding the impact of this decision on Cheshire East residents and asking that the Winter Fuel Allowance is reinstated with immediate effect.


2.    Note the Council’s local awareness campaign, to support all those eligible, to apply for Pension Credit, before 21st December 2024 so they are able to receive the Winter Fuel Allowance this Winter.


3.      Ask the Leader and Deputy Leader of Council write to all Members of Parliament representing Cheshire East constituencies, explaining this Council’s concerns and to request their support in raising them in Westminster, on behalf of Cheshire East pensioners.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Dan Coyne

20/01/2025 - Smoking Cessation Incentive Scheme - Update ref: 3149    Recommendations Approved

To provide an update on a pilot smoking incentive scheme for pregnant women and household members

Decision Maker: Adults and Health Committee

Made at meeting: 20/01/2025 - Adults and Health Committee

Decision published: 22/01/2025

Effective from: 30/01/2025


The Committee considered a report which updated members on the pilot smoking cessation incentive scheme for pregnant women, from Dr Matt Atkinson, Consultant in Public Health and Nik Darwin, Senior Commissioning Manager.


Members noted the low uptake of the scheme to date and questioned whether the scheme was being adequately advertised.


The Committee were updated that the cost to the scheme was on a “per person” basis, so even though the uptake to date had been low, it was not leading to a budgetary pressure, and that officers were due to carry out a full evaluation of the scheme which would result in a further report being brough back to committee later in the year.


Members stated that although the uptake was low, the scheme was a success if it improved the health of anybody, and acknowledged the challenges individuals face when trying to stop smoking.


RESOLVED: (By majority)


That the Adults and Health Committee:


1.    Approve continuation of the incentive scheme for household members.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Nik Darwin

20/01/2025 - Substance Misuse Recommission ref: 3148    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval from Adults and Health committee to award the All-Age Drugs and Alcohol Service through the Provider Selection Regime.

Decision Maker: Adults and Health Committee

Made at meeting: 20/01/2025 - Adults and Health Committee

Decision published: 22/01/2025

Effective from: 30/01/2025


The Committee considered a report which sought approval to award the All-Age Drugs and Alcohol Service through the Provider Selection Regime, Dr Matt Atkinson, Consultant in Public Health and Nik Darwin, Senior Commissioning Manager.


The Committee were updated that service users could access a nearby rehabilitation facilities in Stoke-On-Trent, amongst others, and that the current provider was achieving success rates higher than the national average in several areas.


Members queried how success was assed across Cheshire East, and what was being delivered to children in schools.


Members were updated that the results were scrutinised by officers, and the service was delivered via a “hub and spoke” model to increase outreach and access across the Cheshire East.


Officers committed to provide a written response on the substance misuse work being undertaken within schools.


Officers committed to provide a written answer on what could be done to provide a holistic treatment journey for recovering users, to provide details of the grants which have been awarded, and details on what is in place for relapse prevention.


RESOLVED: (Unanimously)


That the Adults and Health Committee:


1.    Approve the procurement of the Cheshire East Substance Misuse Service through the Provider Selection Regime.


2.    Delegate authority to the Executive Director – Adults, Health and Integration to award the contract.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Hannah Gayle

14/01/2025 - Third Financial Review 24/25 ref: 3142    Recommendations Approved

To note and comment on the Third Financial Review and Performance position of 2024/25, including progress on policy proposals and material variances from the MTFS and (if necessary) approve Supplementary Estimates and Virements.

Decision Maker: Economy and Growth Committee

Made at meeting: 14/01/2025 - Economy and Growth Committee

Decision published: 20/01/2025

Effective from: 28/01/2025


The Committee considered the report which provided the forecast outturn for the financial year 2024/25 based on income, expenditure, and known commitments as at the end of October 2024. It also identified actions that were being taken to address adverse variances to urgently address the Council’s financial sustainability.


It was requested that future reports include both the original budget and subsequent changes to aid transparency and scrutiny.


Concern was expressed about the long term sustainability and the impact on service delivery of the savings being made by vacancy management. 


RESOLVED (by majority):


That the Economy and Growth Committee


1               note the factors leading to a forecast adverse Net Revenue financial pressure of £18.3m against a revised budget of £390.5m (4.7%) and note the contents of Annex 1, Section 2 of the report and the progress on delivery of the MTFS approved budget policy change items, the RAG ratings and latest forecasts, and the actions to be taken to address any adverse variances from the approved budget.


2               note the in-year forecast capital spending of £144.7m against an approved MTFS budget of £215.8m, due to slippage that has been re-profiled into future years.    


3               note the available reserves position as per Annex 1, Section 5 of the report.


4               recommend to Council the approval of the Supplementary Revenue Estimate Request for Allocation of Additional Grant Funding over £1,000,000 as per Annex 1, Section 3, Table 1 of the report.


5        note the Capital Virements above £500,000 up to and including £5,000,000 as per Annex 1, Section 4, Table 4 of the report will be approved in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.




Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Tracy Baldwin, Nicola Charlesworth

14/01/2025 - Medium Term Financial Strategy Consultation 2025/26 - 2028/29 Provisional Settlement Update ref: 3143    Recommendations Approved

All Committees were being asked to provide feedback in relation to their financial responsibilities as identified within the Constitution and linked to the budget alignment approved by the Finance Sub-Committee in March 2024. Responses to the consultation would be reported to the Corporate Policy Committee to support that Committee in making recommendations to Council on changes to the current financial strategy.

Decision Maker: Economy and Growth Committee

Made at meeting: 14/01/2025 - Economy and Growth Committee

Decision published: 20/01/2025

Effective from: 28/01/2025


The Committee considered a report which sought feedback on the Medium-Term Financial Strategy for 2025/26 – 2028/29 for the Corporate Policy Committee to consider at its meeting on 6 February 2025 ahead of the final approval of the 2025/26 budget at full Council on 26 February 2025.


The Committee commented that there should be better integration and communication amongst committees to avoid silo decision making as the actions of one committee could impact on another and that there should be avoidance of over-reliance on some committees to make budget savings.  The provision of a list of services which the Council had to provide would help with financial decisions to be made by the committees.


RESOLVED (by majority): 


That the Economy and Growth Committee


1               recommend to the Corporate Policy Committee, for their meeting on 6 February 2025, all proposals within Appendix A, as related to the Committee’s responsibilities, for inclusion in the Council’s budget for 2025/26.


2               no further budget changes identified that could assist Corporate Policy Committee in presenting an overall balanced budget to Council for 2025/26.


3               note the capital growth items listed in Appendix B and the revenue implications noted in paragraph 23. These will be reviewed by the Capital Review Programme Board in January before a final list is brought to Corporate Policy Committee in February.


4               note the content of Appendix C – Provisional Local Government Settlement 2025/26


5               note the contents of Appendix D – Council Tax benchmarking and scenarios and consider what the impact of any requests for a change of Council Tax policy would be.           

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Tracy Baldwin, Honor Field

14/01/2025 - Westfields - Progress Update ref: 3144    Recommendations Approved

To provide an update on the progress of the Westfields Office.

Decision Maker: Economy and Growth Committee

Made at meeting: 14/01/2025 - Economy and Growth Committee

Decision published: 20/01/2025

Effective from: 28/01/2025

Lead officer: Angela Mann, Peter Skates, Joanne Jones, Joanne Prophet

14/01/2025 - Housing Related Support Contracts - Update ref: 3141    Recommendations Approved

To provide a further update on the Housing Related Support Contract recommissioning exercise and seek further approval to retender the remaining lot

Decision Maker: Economy and Growth Committee

Made at meeting: 14/01/2025 - Economy and Growth Committee

Decision published: 20/01/2025

Effective from: 28/01/2025


The Committee considered the update report on the recommissioning of Housing Related Support contracts.


The Economy and Growth Committee in July 2023 had approved the re-commissioning of the Housing Related Support contracts, and the tendering exercise commenced in September 2023. Authority had been delegated to the Director of Growth and Enterprise to award the contracts following the procurement process.  However following evaluation of the tenders, not all contracts were awarded, and further approval had been sought in March 2024 to retender a number of lots.


A further tendering exercise commenced in September 2024 and contracts were awarded for the South Rough Sleeping Prevention Service, but no qualifying interest in the North Rough Sleeping Prevention Service were received. The existing contract will end on 31st March 2025 and the existing Provider had indicated that they would be prepared to extend the contract on a short-term basis whilst the Council undertook a further tendering exercise.


In response to questions from the Committee, officers confirmed that the services provided included support for drugs and alcohol, mental health care, domestic abuse and tenancy readiness training.  It was also confirmed that provision existed for individuals with pets, though there was limited availability of pet-friendly accommodation.


It was asked if Councillors could be provided with a briefing on the Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Act 2023 and any implications for the service.


RESOLVED (unanimously):


That the Committee


1        approve the recommissioning of Rough Sleeping Prevention Service - North using an open procurement process for an initial term of 42 months (equating to 3.5 years), with the option to extend for up to a further 2 years.


2        delegate authority to the Director of Growth and Enterprise to:


a) modification of the existing contract in order to extend the term until 30 September 2025.


b) award the contract to the successful bidder following the procurement process.

Lead officer: Karen Carsberg, Angela Mann, Nic Abbott

14/01/2025 - Future of West Park Museum Collections ref: 3140    Recommendations Approved

To brief members on the review and future options for West Park Museum.

Decision Maker: Economy and Growth Committee

Made at meeting: 14/01/2025 - Economy and Growth Committee

Decision published: 20/01/2025

Effective from: 28/01/2025


The Committee considered the report which summarised the current position concerning West Park Museum and its associated collections and sought approval to permanently relocate the collections from West Park Museum to Macclesfield Silk Museum and Macclesfield Town Hall.


It was asked if the legal covenants relating to the collections would be met if they were permanently relocated.  In response it was stated that they would be, the items would remain accessible to Macclesfield residents which fulfilled the original benefactor’s intent.  The management of the collections by the Silk Museum would ensure the proper care and conservation requirements whilst providing continued access to the public.


The Committee noted the historical significance and contribution of the Brocklehurst family to Macclesfield and stated that there should be publicity on the new locations of the collections to inform local residents, and also suggested that opportunities should be explored for collaboration with academic institutions on the Egyptology collection to enhance research opportunities.


It was noted that a report would be brought to the Committee in due course on the future of the West Park Museum building.


RESOLVED (unanimously):


That the Committee endorse the recommendation to permanently relocate collections from West Park Museum to Macclesfield Silk Museum and Macclesfield Town Hall.

Lead officer: Carole Hyde, Angela Mann, Helen Paton

13/01/2025 - Medium Term Financial Strategy Consultation 2025/26 - 2028/29 Provisional Settlement Update (Children & Families Committee) ref: 3139    Recommendations Approved

All Committees were being asked to provide feedback in relation to their financial responsibilities as identified within the Constitution and linked to the budget alignment approved by the Finance Sub-Committee in March 2024. Responses to the consultation would be reported to the Corporate Policy Committee to support that Committee in making recommendations to Council on changes to the current financial strategy.

Decision Maker: Children and Families Committee

Made at meeting: 13/01/2025 - Children and Families Committee

Decision published: 16/01/2025

Effective from: 24/01/2025


The Committee received a report which sought feedback on the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) for 2025/26 – 2028/29 for Corporate Policy Committee to consider on the 6 February 2025 ahead of the final approval of the 2025/26 budget at full Council on 26 February 2025.


The Committee provided scrutiny and comments in relation to


-       Whether a reduction in pension cost contributions was realistic given that the local government pension scheme was re- evaluated every April and typically should keep line with the Consumer Price index (CPI).

-       Why the 3% levy on traded services was being reversed.

-       Concerns in respect of whether the funding staffing establishment model was sustainable as although investment would be increased next year, this would then be reduced over the following two years.

-       Concerns around the proposed savings in service quality, particularly in the accommodation support offer for 16-25 young people.

-       How did Cheshire East compare with other local authorities in terms of its spend per capita on children’s services.

-       Welcomed the efforts being made in terms of recruitment and wrap around support to retain staff.

-       Assurance sought around the tracking and visits for asylum seeking children post covid.


In response to a question raised in respect of the Youth Justice service contributions nearly doubling, officers stated that there was a split between the Youth Justice Service and safeguarding and that more details on the split would be provided in a written response.


RESOLVED (By Majority)


The Children and Families Committee


 (a) Recommend to the Corporate Policy Committee, for their meeting on 6 February 2025, all proposals within Appendix A of the report, as related to the Committee’s responsibilities, for inclusion on the Council’s budget for 2025/26.


(b) Identify any further budget change proposals, as related to the Committee’s responsibilities, that could assist Corporate Policy Committee in presenting an overall balanced budget to Council for 2025/26.


(c)  Note the capital growth items listed in Appendix B and the revenue implications noted in paragraph 23 of the report.


(d) Note the contents of Appendix C of the report – Provisional Local Government Settlement 2025/26 (Finance Sub Committee).


(e) Note the contents of Appendix D of the report – Council Tax benchmarking and scenarios (Finance Sub Committee) and consider what the impact of any requests for a change of Council Tax policy would be.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Tracy Baldwin, Honor Field

15/01/2025 - Officer Delegated Decision: Reallocation of Unspent UKSPF ref: 3138    Recommendations Approved

All UK Shared Prosperity Fund projects were awarded funding according to anticipated funds required for delivery at the time the project proposals were drawn up. As projects have reached delivery stage, some have stalled or been scaled back needing less funding than initially envisaged and others are in delivery but with costs rising above levels initially anticipated.


As the end of the financial year approaches there is a need to reallocate unspent funds to projects able to utilise the funds by end March 2025 to avoid underspend which would have to be returned to UK government with no benefit to the local area, allowing the opportunity to provide more funding for projects which have faced rising costs.

Decision Maker: Executive Director Place

Decision published: 15/01/2025

Effective from: 23/01/2025


To approve the reallocation of unspent UKSPF between projects to enable funds to be spent by 31 March 2025 and avoid unspent funds being returned to UK government and not utilised to support local priorities.