Issue - meetings

Proposed Expansion of Springfield School, Crewe

Meeting: 23/05/2022 - Children and Families Committee (Item 7)

7 Proposed Expansion of Springfield School, Crewe pdf icon PDF 197 KB

To seek approval for the proposed expansion scheme to increase capacity at Springfield School, Crewe.

Additional documents:


Lisa Hodgkinson, Head Teacher of Springfield School, attended the meeting to speak in support of the proposed expansion.


The committee received the report which sought approval for the proposed expansion scheme to increase capacity at Springfield School. This was in line with the strategy to increase local specialist provisions as set out in the high needs management plan.


A query was raised regarding the Children and Families Committee having sight of the planning permission. It was noted that planning applications were not within the remit of the committee but that Members would be able to attend the Planning Committee and speak on this application if they wished. It was agreed that the committee would be notified when this application had been published in the public domain.


A written response was requested from Planning colleagues on current delays and any risks this may pose to this expansion.


RESOLVED (unanimously):


That the Children and Families Committee:


1.    Approve the proposed expansion of Springfield School from 170 to 250 places for implementation in September 2023 having given due consideration to the responses to the statutory public notice and consultation process without modification.

2.    Provide authority to the Executive Director of Children’s Services to procure and award a construction contract for the provision of additional places at Springfield School (Crewe), inclusive of any other agreements associated with or ancillary to the contract.