6 Medium Term Financial Strategy Update 2025/26 - 2028/29 (Environment & Communities Committee)
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To receive a report outlining further
development activity required before the final MTFS 2025-29 is
presented for approval to the budget setting Council meeting in
February 2025.
The committee received the report which set
out progress and further development activity required before the
final MTFS 2025-29 would be presented for approval to the budget
setting Council meeting in February 2025.
That the Environment and Communities
- Note the progress to date on the
development of the MTFS for 2025-29
- Note that officers will continue to
challenge draft proposals and develop further proposals in
consultation with Members prior to approval by Council
- Note that Committees will be
presented with the opportunity to review the full set of financial
proposals, designed to achieve a balanced budget, as part of their
January cycle of meetings prior to recommendations being made to
Council for approval