Issue - meetings

Risk Management Update

Meeting: 07/03/2024 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 18)

18 Risk Management Update Q2 2023-24 pdf icon PDF 352 KB

To receive an update on the effectiveness of risk management arrangements in the Council.

Additional documents:


The committee considered the Q2 2023-24 risk management report which updated members on the effectiveness of risk management arrangements across the council. Members queried the timing of reports and noted that the Corporate Policy Committee would consider the Q3 2023-24 report at its next meeting in March, and that a link to this paper would be circulated to the committee once published.


The committee raised questions in relation to the following strategic risks:


-       SR12: Stakeholder expectation and communication. The committee requested a written response providing more detail on this risk. The committee agreed that this was an important risk to investigate further to ensure the council met the needs and expectations of stakeholders.

-       SR09 – Members acknowledged that there were a number of acting up arrangements in place across the council and sought further assurance on this.

-       The committee suggested that the Risk Officer be present at future meetings where risk would be discussed. Officers agreed to extend the invitation for future meetings however highlighted that the committee would need to indicate which risks they wished to explore further to ensure the appropriate risk owner was also invited.

-       SR4 – the committee agreed that DSG presented a major risk to the authority’s finances and requested that officers from children and families be invited to the May 2024 Audit and Governance Committee meeting to provide assurance on the internal control plans introduced via a verbal update.



That the Audit and Governance Committee note the report and update provided.


Meeting: 25/11/2021 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 41)

41 Risk Management Update pdf icon PDF 83 KB

To receive an update on the risk management and business continuity activity in the Council.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the outcomes of the review of the Strategic Risk Register for the period Q1 to Q2 2021/22


The report detailed the changes made to the Risks following the Q1 review, which had led to a number of the risks being refocused and refreshed, and the outcome of the Q2 review.  The report also provided an overview of the Council’s operational response to Covid and associated winter risks.


Reference was made to SR13 – Reputational Risk, and the Council’s relationships with Town and Parish Councils as they were under increasing financial pressure as were being asked to pay for road repairs under the Highways Top Up Scheme and the funding for the second year of the New Homes Bonus was now included in the MTFS rather then being issued to local communities.    In response it was stated that the decision to include the New Homes Bonus funding in the MTFS overall balance position was taken by full Council and it was suggested that any proposals for this funding should be submitted via the Budget Consultation process which ran until 4 January 2022.




That the Strategic Risk Update for Quarters 1 and 2 2021/22 be received.